Artículos de investigación | Bol. R. Soc. Hist. Nat. (Sec.Biol.) 106 : 137-150 | 2012
La enseñanza de la Biología y las Ciencias Ambientales del bachillerato internacional en el I.E.S. Maestro Matías Bravo (Valdemoro, Madrid, España)
The teaching of Biology and environmental Science of international baccalaureate at I.E.S. Maestro Matías Bravo (Valdemoro, Madrid, Spain)
Sofía Martín Nieto y Carlos J. Martín-Blanco
La organización del Bachillerato Internacional es una entidad sin ánimo de lucro fundada en Ginebra en 1968. Los alumnos optan entre un grupo de asignaturas establecidas, con currículos comunes a todo el mundo. Los estudios pueden cursarse en tres lenguas ofi ciales: inglés, francés y español. La enseñanza de las Ciencias Naturales se realiza a través de dos asignaturas “Sistemas ambientales y sociedades” y “Biología”. Sistemas ambientales se desarrolla a lo largo de un curso e incluye 120 horas de contenidos teóricos y 30 de prácticas de laboratorio y campo. Biología es una asignatura de desarrollo bienal con 180 horas de contenidos teóricos y 60 de contenidos prácticos que incluyen un trabajo práctico interdisciplinar con las otras materias experimentales (Física y Química). Las prácticas de laboratorio deben ser representativas del temario e incluir actividades que impliquen el desarrollo de las T.I.C. La monografía es un trabajo de investigación original bajo la tutela de un profesor. Contribuye decisivamente a la formación científi ca de los alumnos, ya que se familiarizan con la forma de trabajar y comunicar los hallazgos, propia de los científi cos.
The Internacional Baccalaureate Organization is an international organization with non profi t motive, founded in Geneva, 1968. The IB programme can be taken in English, French or Spanish. Students can choose six subjects from six different subject groups. There are also three additional core requirements: Theory of Knowledge; Creativity, Action and Service (C.A.S.) and the extended essay. In our changing world it is increasingly clear the need for science education for unfolding in our daily lives. The great development of the technologies and their access so easy for a large part of the population greatly infl uences the learning of our students. Teachers we need to develop specifi c teaching strategies (GARCIA HERRERO, 2008). Teaching must enable students to make information in knowledge (LÓPEZ SANCHO, 2003). At I.E.S. Maestro Matías Bravo, we tried to place emphasis on practical work as an important strategy in the constructivist approach to teaching (TRUMPER, 2003), not only in the International Baccalaureate but in other stages as well. Science subjects consists of two parts: “Environmental Systems and Societies” and “Biology”. Environmental Systems and Societies is developed in one year’s course which requires students to complete 120 hours of theoretical content and 30 hours of laboratory practice and fi eld study. Biology is developed in two years. Students must complete 180 hours theoretical content and 60 hours of practice which must include interdisciplinary investigation with Physics and Chemistry. The internal assessment of the Diploma Program goes beyond the mere practical demonstration of theoretical concepts. We are interested in the scientist’s work and we expect our students to learn about life from the scientist’s point of view. Practices is carefully selected to for our students so that it can serve as training in the most elementary instrumental techniques wich will enable students to design and control experiments independently and to explain their assumptions and results in consistent reports. Furthermore, they will learn not only to appreciate the advantages of research methodologies but also to consider their limitations and to assess the practical nature of the fi eld work. Laboratory practice must be representative and include activities where T.I.C. are involved. The extended essay is an original piece of research on a topic of interest for the student, developed with the advice and guidance from a teacher. This work provides the student with important scientifi c training. The extended essay is carried out over two courses. During the fi rst course the topic of research is decided and the student begins to search bibliographic sources. In summer pupils do the experimental work and write a preliminary draft. In the fi rst trimester of the second course the draft suffers successive corrections until it achieves the final version of manuscript. * Presentado en la XIX Bienal RSEHN-UCLM, Toledo 2011
The newest in the International Baccalaureate is not the contents but the methodology. This way of working is the main learning of our students. Its introduction can be done little by little throughout the courses of secondary. During course 2011/12 the government of the Autonomous Community of Madrid has introduced an experimental studies called ´´Baccalaureate of Excellence´´, intended for students that show special motivation and ability to go deep into scientifi c, humanistic and technological knowledge. We believe that the International Baccalaureate can meet these to these expectations.
Didáctica, Biología, Ciencias Ambientales, Bachillerato internacional, España
Didacticism, Biology, Environmental Science, International baccalaureate, Spain